In an unrehearsed and innocent tune, its what kids would sing over and over again to your house during the Christmas season. The colorful Christmas lights, the festive mood and all those smiling faces, the singing kids is a great addition to the holiday cheer. I was once part of this tradition. We make our own instruments, going house to house at sundown and singing our hearts out.
Filipino Ingenuity is really top rated. We can make tamborines out of everyday items without having to spend a peso. Let me show you how.
What you need for this are lots and lots of tansan or soda caps and some alambre. The tansan you can get from your sari-sari store and the best time to ask for these is late in the afternoon after everyone had their merienda so you can get a lot. Getting tie wires (alambre), shouldn't be a problem because there's always lots of left over of this everywhere. If all else fails and you couldn't find some, get it from the clothesline. Just be ready for a screaming labandera to chase you.
Hammer the tansan flat and punch a hole in the middle with a huge nail. Be careful flattening the tansan, avoid your fingers getting hammered or make the caps flatten the wrong way. Do this with the rest of the soda caps and string them in a wire.
All you have to do now is wait for your other friends to finish the instruments they're making.